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How does the penalty apply forimported vehicles (non-compliant)?

Lorsque vous importer un véhicule le malus appliqué est celui qui était en vigueur à la date de première mise en circulation du véhicule à cela vous retirez 10% du montant de ce malus par année de vétusté.

Donc pour un véhicule mis en circulation en 2016 que l'on immatricule en France en 2021 c'est le malus de 2016 qui est pris en compte moins la décote de 10% de sa valeur par année de vétusté.

Il est à prendre en compte que :

- Après 10 ans de mise en circulation il n'y à plus de malus écologique.

- Le malus se paie après l'homologation lors de la demande de carte grise, il n'y à pas de malus en cas de revente.

- Les pick-up (véhicules utilitaires) homologués 4 places ne sont pas assujetti au malus écologique

- C'est la date de l'immatriculation qui compte, pas la date de commande, d'achat ou d'importation.

- Trois anciennes taxes ont été supprimées depuis le 1er janvier 2021 : la taxe annuelle de 160 € sur les véhicules polluants, le malus CO2 sur les voitures d'occasion de 10 CV et plus ainsi que la surtaxe sur les véhicules puissants de plus de 36 CV.

How to properly use the registration certificate cost simulator for aimported vehicle which does not havenot intended to circulate in Europe.

gray card simulator.PNG

As a first step:


Feel free to contact me in order you can explain your situation to me.


This can be done by:

-       Phone on

-       The contact form of the website

It is useful to let me know if your vehicle has been equipped with original spare parts (rims, intake, exhaust, tinted glass, approved tyres with a “e4” mention or others)

On the basis of the information I received, I will provide a quote, nevertheless, in some cases, it is essential to ask the manufacturer for a Certificate of compliance*

*vehicles which are both on sale in the United States and in Europe.


The documents which have to be passed on to me:


After having examined your file, and once the quote is accepted, I will ask you to send me the following documents:

-       A copy of the Foreign car registration Certificate that you own

-       A picture of the data plate

-       A picture of the pollutant emissions label which is located under the hood 2006* and+

-       The request for the” type-approval of single vehicles” filled out by you “” family name, first name, address”

-       The certificate of non-compliance or of partial compliance (if you already asked for it)

-       A payment by cheque of part of the type-approval costs

*to refer to the date of construction that is visible on the manufacturer’s label on the left front door.

Creation of the administrative files


-After having received all the above documents, I will be able to start the administrative part of the compliance procedure (creation of the various technical files requested by the many actors involved in the compliance process) including the manufacturer, the D.R.E.A.L and the U.T.A.C laboratory.



Presentation of your vehicle in our premises


Presentation of your vehicle in our premises is requested one up to three weeks before the UTAC tests, we will undertake the technical and electrical changes required for the compliance of your American car.

 That is to say:

-Vehicle presentation (with fuel tank filled up)

-Preparation of the vehicle

-Presentation to the D.R.E.A.L for testing

-Presentation to the U.T.A.C for testing

-Vehicle recovery

If necessary, I can drop you off and pick you up at the Aix-en-Provence TGV station.

Finalisation of the process


At this stage, your file has been approved by the DREAL and was handed over to the department in charge of carrying out the necessary exemptions. The return time of The minutes of your Type-Approval of single vehicle (the document which allows you to register your car) is of three weeks. 


Terms of payment (for the service rendered)


Payment for the service rendered is divided into three steps: in the case for example of a vehicle whose compliance costs is of 4.200 E

- Advance payment of 1237E when the order is placed                                       

- Payment of the UTAC tests directly to the UTAC one week before the tests beginnings 1.723 E

- Payment of the outstanding balance upon recovery of the vehicle 1.237 E


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